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About Music & Narrative

Classical Music and the Creative Arts for Children Everywhere!

When I, Ina Allen, was a young mother, I wanted my children to enjoy and appreciate classical music. Realizing children have more fun listening when the music is interwoven with storytelling, I'd scour libraries and the internet looking for such CDs. But the selections were paltry. So came the creation of Music and Narrative.

At Music and Narrative we believe that combining classical music with storytelling develops the ability in a child to listen, understand, and come to love classical music. By reinforcing the music through storytelling,

Children begin to understand the artistic relationship between the two art forms. The words convey action, and the music, conveys the feeling. Together, both take flight in a child’s imagination.

Our CDs also provide additional benefits. A study from the University of London’s Institute of Education has found that exposing children to classical music can help develop better concentration levels, self-discipline, and social skills. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/10559574/Beethoven-and-Mozart-can-boost-pupils-concentration.html

Also, not to be overlooked, the piano selections may inspire the young listeners to take up playing the piano, or if they already play, put in more practice time!

Finally, audio listening has its own benefits . . . https://www.randomhouse.com/highschool/RHI_magazine/pdf/serafini.pdf

Music and Narrative CDs offer an engaging way for children to learn to love classical music and its friend, the written word.

Ina Allen

Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved Music and stories